
We want to help people at Lifespring find community and connection with each other outside of a Sunday morning. We are SO excited to announce the launch of a new program called a Table for Eight!

A Table for Eight provides a unique space for meaningful conversations and genuine connections to flourish. These gatherings allow us to go beyond the quick “hi” on a Sunday morning and delve into the heart of what it means to be a community of those who love Jesus and love each other. It's an opportunity for us to come together, support one another, and grow in our faith journey together.

We have dinner tables, park tables, tables at the gym, coffee tables...there are so many different days, times and types of tables to choose from! Table groups will meet for fellowship and do SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) studies. It's going to be a great time of growing together in community and with the Lord!

Table groups start the week of April 14th, so sign up today!
Hello Ladies of Lifespring!
You're invited to join us for our "All Things Made New" women's breakfast and clothing exchange event on Saturday, May 4th at 9:00am at church. First, we will enjoy a delicious breakfast and fellowship. Then, we will hear from an amazing panel of women who will share stories of God's transformative power.

Afterwards, we will have a clothing exchange! Bring any gently used items that morning, and leave with some "new for you" clothes! You are not required to bring clothing in order to take clothing, and purses and accessories are welcome, too!

There is no cost to attend, but we do need a count for food. So please RSVP by April 30th to secure your spot. This event is not just about refreshing your wardrobe or enjoying a tasty breakfast. It's an opportunity to be in community, and be inspired by uplifting testimony of God's power to make all things new!

So come, bring a friend, and join us!
Sunday April 28th we will be launching our next level classes! We have four classes available.

"New Members"  with Pete Wilmot

"The Pursuit of Purpose" with Pastor Laura Rannow

“Adventures in Parenting” with Pastor Dan and Mary

"A Walk Through Hosea" with Kent Ross

On the first Sunday of the month we have a young adults lunch after service.

On the second Sunday of the month we have sports Sunday,  playing different  sports for all ages.

On the fourth Sunday we have Young Families. For parents with kids under the age of 10 to come together and grow and support each other in community.
At Lifespring, we are committed to giving the Bible the priority in our lives it deserves.  We want to make 2024 a time of spiritual growth together through the reading of God’s Word. It’s not to late to join! You can sign up for the Daily Reading Plan by clicking the button below.